Campus development division director Tanya Syddall said the work on the new sciences divisional office in the third floor of the science library would begin about late July, once building consent had been granted.
The Union Court building in Union Pl would be demolished due to a need for future seismic and compliance work that would be cost-prohibitive.
The space would be used for an extension of Union Lawn.
More study spaces would be added to the other floors of the science library to replace those lost on the third floor.
Frequently used books on the third floor were moved to the second floor, while those less frequently used were moved to storage and would be available on request, she said.
The office would be able to accommodate up to 39 people, and would cost less to maintain and operate than the current site.
Library services has had discussions with the Otago University Students Association to keep it up to date with the changes.
The new office should be finished about the end of october, and the demolition of Union Court would follow, she said.