Britain relaxes visas for young Kiwis

Young New Zealanders and Australians wanting to work in the United Kingdom should find it easier under new visa rules being introduced by the British government.

Britain is revamping its working holiday visa scheme to allow 18-to-30-year-old Australians and New Zealanders to find jobs in their chosen profession for a full two years.

They will also for the first time be able to line up jobs to go to in Britain before leaving home.

Under the old scheme, Australians faced a host of restrictions before being granted a working holiday visa, including how long they could stay in the one job.

British high commissioner to Australia Helen Liddell said the changes would make working in the UK even more attractive for Australians.

"Some of the old restrictions are going and the visas will be cheaper by half," she said.

"Britain's immigration system rewards those who come, work hard, bring their skills and strengthen cultural ties and Australians fit the bill very well."

The new youth mobility visa scheme will come into force on November 27 and cost £99 ($NZ288), down from £200 price of the working holiday visa.

Those applying for the new visa will also have to show they have the equivalent of STG1600 to cover living expenses for the first few weeks in the UK.

Australia is one of just four countries Britain is allowing to take part in the new visa scheme.

The others are New Zealand, Canada and Japan.

During the last financial year, the British High Commission in Canberra issued 15,204 working holiday visas to Australians.

"Because of the changes, we wouldn't be surprised if those numbers increase next year," a British High Commission spokesman said.

The changes are part of wide-ranging alterations Britain has been making to its immigration policies, including introducing an Australian-style points system for would-be migrants.