Anderton wants to lead Christchurch

Wigram MP Jim Anderton has confirmed suspicions he will run for the Christchurch mayoralty this year.

Jim Anderton.
Jim Anderton.
The Progressive Party leader has recently been non-committal when answering questions about whether he will run, but said in a statement today the city was heading down the wrong path.

"The current council has been wasting money on the wrong developments while withdrawing funds for social services. Refusing to listen," Mr Anderton said. "With leadership, we can put that right. This year I'm putting my name forward to lead Christchurch, because our city needs to be a people's city again."

The statement doubled as an invite to "a special announcement about the future of Christchurch and the role I could play, with the support of the people of Christchurch, in a better future for the city".

That announcement would be made in the city on Sunday and would include tea and coffee and a meet and greet.

Mr Anderton will run against incumbent Mayor Bob Parker and his decision is likely to lead to a by-election in Parliament.




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