Cabinet ministers were hoodwinked by a noisy minority to include the North Rodney region in the Auckland super council, the Government was told today.
A petition signed by 6000 North Rodney residents opposed to their inclusion in the Auckland council was presented to MPs at Parliament.
The petitioners said the select committee considering the legislation had listened to residents and recommended the region be allowed to form it owns council, but Cabinet reversed this after lobbying.
They are calling for the Government to allow them to opt out of the super-city and form their own council.
The number of people who had signed the petition showed there was strong support for a separate council as the region tended to orientate towards the north and not south to Auckland.
The petition was presented to National MPs Lockwood Smith and John Carter, and Local Government Minister Rodney Hide.
Kaipara Mayor Neil Tiller was there to support the North Rodney residents, saying it would make more sense for the two rural areas to create a new council.
Dr Smith, the MP for Rodney, acknowledged the strength of feeling, saying it is an unresolved issue.
Mr Hide said the Royal Commission report into the Auckland council had recommended the area be part of the Auckland Council and he supported the decision.
The petition will now be considered by a select committee and Mr Hide said it would be up to it to consider the issue.
New legislation would be required to separate the region if the Government was persuaded, Mr Hide said.