Senator threatens dole bludgers with cattle prod

A Nationals senator nicknamed "Wacca" has used his first speech to tell dole bludgers that they should be poked with a cattle prod to get them off their butts and into the workforce.

Nationals Senator John Williams made the remarks in the Senate this evening, telling the chamber about his views on people receiving welfare payments.

A number of key coalition MPs from the lower house, including Brendan Nelson, Malcolm Turnbull, Peter Costello, Julie Bishop and Nationals Leader Warren Truss, were on the floor watching the senator's speech.

"The family farm cannot afford to pay wages when the person never shows up for work," Senator Williams said.

"So too as a nation, I believe that if you are in good health and are capable of working, then you should work."

Senator Williams said he has seen many who are "determined not to work".

"They are simply getting a free ride on behalf of taxpayers of Australia and it is about time they received a touch on the backside with a cattle prodder to get them off their butts and actually do some work," he said.

If people were in good health and youth was on their side, they should not receive a dole cheque unless they contribute to the nation, he said.

"However I do believe that the genuine unemployed should have a safety net and should be helped through their tough times until they find employment."