Houses pop up like mushrooms

A New Zealand record in heliographing was established by the Dunedin Engineers during their...
A New Zealand record in heliographing was established by the Dunedin Engineers during their recent camp. Here signallers on Saddle Hill send messages to Harbour Cone, and these in turn were relayed to McKenzie's Cairn and from there to Oamaru, an airline distance of 90 miles. - Otago Witness, 23.12.1908.
The popularity of the weekend excursions to seaside resorts on the north line is becoming more and more apparent each year, and localities which two or three years ago had but very few houses to boast of are now adorned by some very fine residences.

Particularly is this the case at Warrington, where, mushroom-like, quite a settlement has sprung into the great weekend activity, with something very concrete in the shape of many large and charming residences.

A few figures throw some light on the growing popularity of week-end excursions.

From October 3 to November 21 of this year the Railway Department booked for the special 1.40 Saturday train for Waitati and stations further north 68 first class and 1478 second class passengers, or a total of 1546, producing a revenue of 169 14s 10d.

For the same period of last year there were booked 54 first class and 1223 second class passengers, or a total of 1277, producing a revenue of 144 10s 11d.

The above figures disclose an improvement this year over last year to the extent of 269 passengers and 25 3s 11d in revenue.

Motor Traction of July 18 contains an appreciative description of an invention which has been perfected by Mr S. de Beer, late of Dunedin, and whose attainment to a scientific degree was recorded a few days ago.

The invention consists of a petrol economiser. It is shown that on a London motor omnibus a saving of five gallons per day was made. The invention is in jet form, and a 10-14h.p.

Renault car ran 27.26 miles on one gallon of spirit, and on another test ran 25.54 miles on the same quantity. Further tests show an increased efficiency fully 50% in mileage per gallon. Obviously an invention of such a nature must be a lucrative one.

• The hatching of imported lobsters and crabs at the Portobello marine fish hatchery is, the chairman of the board (Mr G. M. Thomson, M. P.) states, proceeding very rapidly now, and Mr Anderton, the curator, has already liberated around Quarry Point and other suitable positions in the harbour a great number of lively fry of both kinds of crustacean.

It is anticipated that over 100,000 lobster fry will be hatched within the next few months, and probably at least 10,000,000 crabs.

- ODT, 5.12.1908.


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