Profiteering and selfishness slated

Group at Government House, Wellington, on the approaching departure of the Governor-General ...
Group at Government House, Wellington, on the approaching departure of the Governor-General (standing, from left) Capt H. G. de F Garland, Hon Col W. E. Collins, Mr A. Cecil Day, Col J. E. Sleeman; (seated, from left) Col J. R. Purdy, Col R. J. Collins, Brig-Gen D. J. McGavin, His Excellency Governor-General Arthur William de Brito Savile Foljambe 2nd Earl of Liverpool, Her Excellency Annette Louise Monck Countess of Liverpool, Brig-Gen G. S. Richardson, Mr Gavin Hamilton. — Otago Witness
A cynic might be pardoned if he divided present-day society into two classes —  those who are profiteering and those who are not.  It is no defence to plead that some of the latter class are not profiteering because of lack of opportunity. 

The unwholesome fact is that the spirit of the time is so mercurial and the future so uncertain that everybody is anxious to pile up credits against an anticipated debacle. Of course, this may never come in such volume as is sometimes feared, but the psychology of the hour is such that abnormal impulses are stimulated almost to the total exclusion of genuine and high idealism.  Look where one will and the widespread evil of artificiality is apparent. True the Western peoples have been sorely tried by war but it was devoutly hoped that the spirit of cooperation which enabled the Allies to win the battle for freedom would have firmly established that principle in everyday life.  For the moment the final senses have been blunted, and even the spectacle of millions of starving children in Europe fails to move the heart and appeal to the pocket as of yore. “We have had the unthinking herd engaging in a mad chase after sensory pleasures,” said Mr S. E. McCarthy SM in the course of his judgement in recent profiteering charges in Christchurch. In his opinion considerable profits were being made out of lands, commerce, and industry, and the high rate of wages prevailing, together with an inflated paper currency, has given a momentum to an orgy of private extravagance which has dominated sections of all classes. It is not a pleasing picture, but it is substantially true …

Live pigeon shooting to continue

In view of recent correspondence in our columns, the following letters between the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Dunedin Gun Club will be read with interest: 
Mr H. Divers, Secondary, Dunedin Gun Club, Princes Street.
Dear Sir, At the monthly meeting of the committee of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the question of live pigeon shooting was discussed, and I was instructed to write asking if your club could see it's way to take into consideration the advisability of discontinuing live pigeon shooting matches. In the opinion of my committee it was considered that a good deal of cruelty inevitably results from the practice of live pigeon shooting, because of the fact that some pigeons get wounded and get away and thus left to suffer. We understand that your club at its last meeting took steps to immediately collect birds that were wounded that fell in the immediate vicinity and that these were immediately put out of pain; but you will agree that there are other birds that might have a leg broken or be otherwise wounded and yet may be able to keep flying and escape from the vicinity and thus be caused a lot of suffering. We would appreciate very much indeed if your committee could see it's way to discontinue live pigeon shooting matches. Yours faithfully, E. S. Wilson, secretary.
Mr E. S. Wilson, secretary, Otago SPCA, Dunedin.
Dear Sir, your letter of the 14th inst. was submitted to a meeting of my executive, and I have been instructed to advise you that they cannot accede to your request to discontinue live pigeon shooting. Yours faithfully, H. Divers, secretary. — ODT, 30.6.1920.

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