The new government is expected to dump key elements of Labour’s reform programme — including taking water assets and debt off councils’ books — but councils are obliged to plan as if the brakes will not be hit.
"We know this assumption is most likely now a fantasy, but, legally, the pantomime must go on with councils forced to be passengers in Wellington’s train wreck," Clutha District Mayor Bryan Cadogan said.
Councils are preparing their 2024-34 long-term plans (LTPs) amid uncertainty about what is to happen with Three Waters.
"This is about one-third of everything we do," Mr Cadogan said.
"To many people, Three Waters has been a confusion, clogged up with ancillary issues and political meddling, but very soon the true danger will manifest itself in ungodly rate increases."
Mr Cadogan said local government was unravelling "as Wellington procrastinates".
Such issues will be traversed today at an Otago and Southland local government meeting.
Gore District Council interim chief executive Stephen Parry said this week Three Waters reform was in a chaotic state and local government was in a state of disarray and uncertainty.

Invercargill Mayor Nobby Clark agreed a six-year cycle would be better.
"We over-plan everything," he said.
LTPs resulted in "workshop after workshop".
"It’s eye-watering how much time is spent."
Giving more emphasis to annual plans would allow councils to be more nimble, he said.
Mr Clark said he would be happy to see Labour’s Three Waters programme halted.
Central Otago District Mayor Tim Cadogan was not quite on the same page as Mr Clark.
"Every three years allows elected members within each term of office to have a very detailed look at where the council is at and where it wants to go," Mr Cadogan said.
Councils were facing a far different economic situation than three years ago and so a reset was needed, he said.
Repealing the Three Waters law and clarifying "where to from here" should be a high priority for the new government, the Central Otago mayor said.
As things stood, the council would have to prepare 10-year budgets assuming it was going to lose "one-third of our business ... while we know that will almost certainly not be the case".
Waitaki District Mayor Gary Kircher suggested this meant councils were faced with choosing between following the law and being sensible.
He also said his council had tried to push back against "ridiculous increases in audit fees" connected with planning.