CODC settles $10K bill for Molyneux Park showers

A disagreement over electricity bills erroneously charged to an Alexandra rugby club has been settled.At a full meeting of the Central Otago District Council yesterday councillors approved a decision made by the Vincent Community Board in March to compensate the Alexandra Rugby Football Club for historical electricity invoices of $10,000.

That money is to be paid from the Molyneux Park charge account.

The payment represents a final settlement to a drawn-out saga, summarised in the council’s parks and recreation manager Gordon Bailey’s report to council.

In June 2020 the council received a letter from the Alexandra Rugby Football Club requesting the council reimburse the club $37,102.34 GST inclusive.

The club stated that over the past 10 years it had paid for electricity costs at Molyneux Park that it considers should have been paid for by the council.

A report was referred to the community board at its meeting in November.

The matter was left on the table and staff were requested to meet the club to discuss the contents of the report and determine a way forward.

Council staff and the club held a meeting in early January, Mr Bailey said his report.

"The club expressed a willingness to resolve this matter and were of the view that for some years they have been paying for the electricity use of other users of the changing room showers."

The board considered a report on March 22 and recommended to council it approve $10,000 as a final settlement.

Given the prolonged nature of the issue, Cr Tracy Paterson asked if it or a similar problem from other parts of the district had the possibility to emerge.

Mr Bailey said he hoped not.

Cr Martin McPherson said the issue was peculiar to Molyneux Park and the rugby club was happy with the resolution to pay $10,000.

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