Jump Jam experience good fun for pupils

While Remarkables Primary School did not place in the South Island Regional Jump Jam Competition on Saturday, pupils had a great time and entertained hundreds of people in Christchurch Airport.

Year 5 and 6 pupils Haley Adamson, Charlie Andrews, Nieve Collin, Ella Jackson, Olivia McRae, Katya Moss, Jessie O'Connell, Taylah Pedersen, Lucy Phillips, Alice Price, Sami Robertson, Jessie Rowley and Isobel Wallace - with teacher and parental support - represented their school in the aerobic-style dance competition for the first time in Christchurch.

The group entertained Queenstown Airport travellers by flash-mob dancing their routine to Greased Lightning before their flight to the Garden City on Friday.

They attracted an even bigger audience when they performed again impromptu in Christchurch Airport.

Teacher Lisa Moore said pupils would compete in the Jump Jam competition again next year.


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