Lodge donates $2k to hospice

Master of the Winchester Lodge Geoff Taylor (right) offers a cheque for $2200 to South Canterbury...
Master of the Winchester Lodge Geoff Taylor (right) offers a cheque for $2200 to South Canterbury Hospice funding manager Karen McCrostie while past master John Foster lends a hand.
The South Canterbury Hospice is $2200 closer to its $380,000 funding target for this year, thanks to the hard work of a small, but energetic group of Winchester Lodge members.

Master of the lodge Geoff Taylor said the men raised the funds by sawing wood and selling the logs.
‘‘We're pretty chuffed about it - we sold the whole lot in about six months,'' he said.

Mr Taylor said the Winchester Lodge raised funds every year for charity and this was the second time in three years it had given money to the hospice.

‘‘There are 18 members of the lodge, but only about 10 are fit enough to cut and stack the wood,'' he said.

‘‘We have to give a special thanks to [lodge member] Max Millar who allowed us to store the wood on his property. It's been a good project for us because it has allowed us to know each other in a different way from lodge meetings.''

The District Grand Lodge in Christchurch had subsidised the amount raised, he said. South Canterbury Hospice funding manager Karen McCrostie said it was fantastic to receive the donation.

‘‘We have to raise $380,000 a year to meet our operational deficit because the hospice [is staffed] 24 hours a day, seven days a week,'' Mrs McCrostie said.

‘‘We're very reliant on community support to ensure hospice services continue to be available to the South Canterbury community.''

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