The Tokomairiro High School Young Enterprise group, Toko Traders, won an Otago-Southland competition which offered the winning small business the right to have its own website to boost sales until the end of the year.
The group of year 13 pupils decided to market hand sanitisers, which it thought would prove popular with talk of swine flu and a growing need to improve personal hygiene.
Teacher Neil Armstrong, who helped guide the group, said the win was a huge boost for the group, and it could help sales of the Sanorub gel grow rapidly.
Through a Hokitika-based supplier, the group initially released a 60ml plastic bottle for $4, but it has plans to provide a 1l container as well.
Dunedin-based TurboWeb and Balclutha-based Clutha Print Ltd helped select the southern winners, and will work with the school group to develop the website and market it for the next five months.
Mr Armstrong said the group hoped the additional exposure through a website would increase sales and highlight the growing need for people to take better care with their handwashing techniques.
The website is expected to be launched next week.
The group's website will be located at .