Rainless days boost to farmers’ morale

The last couple of days without rain have "definitely" helped with morale by allowing some farmers to start cleaning up and getting back to some form of normality, Federated Farmers Otago president Luke Kane says.

"Obviously in regards to that lower Clutha and Paretai area, those guys are going to have a while to go yet before those water levels significantly go down", Mr Kane said.

"It’s not all over yet by any means."

Mr Kane said farming neighbours were helping neighbours during the recovery phase, which could take weeks.

"After a flood, cleaning up depends on how many people can help clear fences and help where they can.

"The farmers down on the way to Kaka Point are still under water so that’s affected milking and milking ability, and everything under the sun for those guys."

It was too early to get an indication of stock losses.

"I’ve been saying the last couple of days if you could guarantee me about seven days out of the next 10 as sunny and fine, it’s going to make a massive difference for morale in stock and person. Then the grass can come away and we can see a big turnaround.

"But, if we only have a couple of fine days in the next 10, then things could be a wee bit more ugly for a while yet for farmers."