Street walker a corker porker

You could be forgiven for thinking a Silver Fern Farms employee was telling porkies with his tale of a late-night, main street encounter with a wild boar.

But Carwyn Macaulay can back up his story with footage of the animal, taken in Balclutha early today. 

Mr Macaulay, who works at the Finegand works near Balclutha as a process improvement specialist, said that as he drove through the town after work early today he spotted a dark shape on the road up ahead.

“I saw something dark on Clyde St and slowed down. I though someone had dropped something on the road but to my surprise, it was a wild pig,” he said.

The keen hunter wished at that moment he had a weapon in the car but then common-sense prevailed.

"I didn’t want to spark an Armed Offenders callout so I shot him on my phone instead, for all my friends on Facebook and Instagram."

He followed the large boar down off Clyde St and along Elizabeth St.

"He was a big fella and looked to be between 72 to 77kgs in weight, he was just wandering along the road past Holmdene then he headed down towards the river, I lost sight of him when he reached the Clutha River bank," Mr Macaulay said.

The video has drawn a lot of comments on Mr Macaulay’s Facebook page, and some people are talking about a return to the area to seek out the porker.

Clutha District Council Communications spokesperson Sue Wilkins confirmed the council did receive a notification about a black and tan pig being seen in Hospital Rd overnight.

“The issue was passed on to our roading contractor and we do not know of the outcome; however, it is unusual for us to get wild animals wandering around in town, although we do get the occasional sheep reported,” she said.


I will not be a Capitaine Cooker.

- Porker.