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(Back row, from left) Laura Davis, 14, Bella Tiplady, 15, Emma Davis, 12; (front row) Kate Davis, 8, and Ellie Tiplady, 7, all of Invercargill. PHOTOS: TONI MCDONALD

Event MC Gerry Forde and Leon Hartnett, both of Invercargill.

Bill Smith and Jim Gorman, both of Invercargill.

Adrian and Alecia Humphries and their children Evi, 7, Billy, 4, and Tommy, 20 months, all of Invercargill.

Eleesha Sheadden 5, and Sionya Peries, both of Invercargill.

John Griffin, 3, Phedra Griffin, and 9-month-old Asling Griffin. The family, of Invercargill, have just returned from Ireland where the two children were born in Dublin.
Esk St, Invercargill, Sunday, March 17