Rotary club president Russell Welsh said he did not want anyone to be deterred by the costs.
"The Rotary club is in the position to help people access Scouts with financial assistance, " Mr Welsh said.

It costs $10 a week to join the Scouts.
Circumstances in today’s economy were tough for some people, he said.
"For some parents the [money] is a barrier."
The Rotary club supported a range of community groups in Gore.
"It all comes from good intentions and looking to help youth in the district."
Gore Scout leader Matt Meijers agreed that finances should not stop children participating.
"We really don’t want people to think the money side is a burden," Mr Meijers said.
"We make an effort to include everyone and give them the opportunity to build themselves."
They fundraised a lot of money themselves, through activities such as sausage sizzles.
Scouts was a great learning tool and outlet for children of all ages, he said.
"They still meet other kids that don’t go to their school and burn some energy.
"Whatever interest a kid has, we will do our best to encourage it."