Upgrade committee shares plans

West Otago children enjoy a bouncy castle during a community day to find out what new playground...
West Otago children enjoy a bouncy castle during a community day to find out what new playground equipment residents would like added to the Tapanui playground. PHOTO: SANDY EGGLESTON
Plans are under way to upgrade the Tapanui playground in Bushyhill St.

On Saturday the upgrade committee shared plans with community members for their input.

Committee spokeswoman Sarah Murray said committee members had been researching what play equipment could be added to the playground.

"We just want a functional, enjoyable playground that people can come and spend a good majority of the day ... [at]."

There were already toilets and a shelter at the playground but some of the equipment dated back to the 1950s, Mrs Murray said.

Items on the wish list included a swing set which cost $21,500 and a seesaw ($6500).

"We’re definitely excited for the ideas that we have ... and are things this community wants."

The upgrade would be completed in stages.

"It’s prioritising what we order first."

About two years ago the Clutha District Council made Our Places funding available for communities.

Under the scheme the council matched the fundraising amount communities raised for projects.

The committee is in the process of fundraising.
