West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O’Connor and a team of officials were at the glaciers yesterday to hear pleas for economic help for the desperate tourist towns, starved of international tourists.
West Coast mayors are compiling a hard-hitting report on the number of jobs in the region that would be put in jeopardy by climate change reform — including the possibility of losing the Tranz...
Gravel and rock from the West Coast are in high demand, both for 'exporting' and for $60 million of large infrastructure projects about to get under way throughout the region.
At least one West Coast council says it could look at changing bankers, amid growing concerns that banks are withdrawing from the region and reducing hours.
The West Coast District Health Board has apologised to the family of a patient who died after barricading himself in his room at the mental health unit at the old Grey Base Hospital and attempting...
A 10-month-old Hokitika baby suffered fatal and severe brain injuries and had about 30 bruises on his body, the High Court murder trial of the baby's father David Grant Sinclair heard on Monday.
Underground workers employed by the Pike River Recovery Agency will stop work to observe a silence at 3.44pm next Thursday — 10 years to the minute since the mine exploded with the loss of 29 lives.
Fifty new web pages profiling the West Coast have been added to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, along with more than 1000 photos, most featuring blue skies.
After walking a "long and torturous" road for the past decade, the Pike River families and West Coast community are preparing to mark the 10th anniversary of the mine disaster.