Supporters of the locked out Anzco CMP meat workers will fundraise outside McDonald's outlets nationwide - including Dunedin - today.
Anzco locked out 100 meat workers from its CMP Rangitikei plant in Marton on October 19 for not accepting pay cuts of up to 20%, shift changes and cuts in allowances.
Fundraising events, to raise money for the workers and their families, would be held from Whangarei to Dunedin with locked out workers joining some of the North Island events. Anzco is a primary supplier of meat patties to McDonald's.
"We'll be giving the workers solidarity as well as asking McDonald's to ensure the family values they purport to uphold apply to their entire supply chain, including Anzco, one of their meat patty suppliers," New Zealand Council of Trade Unions president Helen Kelly said in a statement.
The locked out workers had offered to sacrifice 10% of their pay, despite their average annual income only being about $45,000, with the lowest on $23,000, but Anzco wanted bigger cuts, she said.
Supporters will be outside McDonald's in George St at 10am.