Issue of loss dealt with in a sweet and gentle way

BLACKIE THE FISHER-CAT<br><b>Janet Pereira, illustrations Gabriella Klepatski</b><br><i>Craig Potton Publishing</i>
BLACKIE THE FISHER-CAT<br><b>Janet Pereira, illustrations Gabriella Klepatski</b><br><i>Craig Potton Publishing</i>
This is a sweet story that deals with the issue of loss in a gentle manner.

Grandpop is heartbroken when Nana dies. He misses his best friend.

And then he goes on a camping trip and meets Blackie, a stray cat who loves fishing as much as he does.

Their friendship grows and Grandpop is sad to leave her behind. Luckily Blackie has a mind of her own.

Gabriella Klepatski's illustrations are lovely, especially the studies of the cat in movement and play.

Ages 2-5.

- Laura Hewson is an ODT subeditor and mother.

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