Fatal crash in Waikato

A motorist has died in Waikato today following a fatal collision between a car and a truck and trailer unit.

Waikato police Inspector Jeff Penno said the sole male occupant of the car died in the crash when the truck left the road and its trailer rolled around 12.40pm.

"Emergency services are currently at the intersection of Peake and Hautapu Roads in Tamahere following a crash at the intersection.

"The crash is currently under investigation by the Waikato Serious Crash Unit so it is too early to determine which party may have been at fault, but what we can say is that one of the vehicles has failed to give way resulting in the loss of one man's life."

Mr Penno said all too often compliance with the simplest of road rules meant the difference between life and death.

"While expressing our condolences to the deceased's family, Police would like to highlight this incident as a timely reminder of why we have road rules and the important part they play in keeping all road users safe."

The fatality takes Waikato's year-to-date road toll to 13, more than three times the total of four for the same period last year.


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