Your 2009 fitness programme: Week 2

For those who have completed the first week of our fitness programme, congratulations! For those who have started, paused and stopped, perseverance is needed.

For those who have decided to start this week (on the next fine day or whenever!), integrity is needed. Whatever your situation, don't worry! Today's a different day.

By now you will have your five key health and fitness values for 2009 established.

These may include goals like 100% commitment, perseverance, fun, integrity and drive. You will also have the first week's programme cut out and hanging on your fridge. (If not, please do so now.)

Friday: 40 to 60min walk, preferably on flat terrain, walking at a moderate pace, which on our scale is 6. You can break the walk up into three 20min chunks throughout the day, or four 10min walks.

Complete a 60 to 80min walk in firm sand at the beach, moving at cruise pace (4-5 on our scale). A great opportunity to take the family.

It's a rest day, but you don't have to retreat to the couch. Gardening, mowing the lawns and having fun at the park or beach are great ways to keep active.

Monday: At the park, complete 30min fast walking at an effort level of 7.5 on our scale. This is a fast cardiovascular development walk so pump the arms and keep the abdominal muscles nice and tight by tensing them while walking.

You can split this 30min into two 15min or three 10min blocks, with a rest of 5min between each if you like.

Repeat the walk you did on Friday. Again, remember to practise technique.

Wednesday: Complete 100 step-ups on any step that comes no higher than the midway point of your shin. Work at 6-10 on the scale of effort.

Repeat this four times with 2-3min rest between each set of 100 step-ups. Keep your posture strong by remaining vertical and tensing your
abdominal muscles.

Thursday: A 60min walk, preferably on flat terrain. Work at 6 on our scale of effort. Again, you can break this walk up into chunks and complete them throughout the day.

Technique is important. Think positive. Your attitude will change your reality.




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