Pinellia tripartita is an interesting and somewhat peculiar herbaceous perennial belonging to the arum family.
It is commonly referred to as "green dragon" because of the hooded green spathe and upright curling tail of the spadix which makes it a fun addition to any garden.

This unique flower structure, typical of the arum family, is made up of two separate parts: the spadix, which holds both male and female flowers; and the surrounding tubular spathe, which often hides the spadix from view.
The underground tubers produce bright green trifoliate leaves with distinct venation and wavey leaf margins which emerge on separate stems to the flowers.
Following pollination small one-seeded berries are produced.
Pinellia tripartita is endemic to Southeast China, Korea and Japan, appearing from late spring and dying down over the cooler autumn months and naturally occurring throughout forests, along forest margins and roadsides.
It grows about 40cm tall, preferring moist but free-draining humus-rich soils in either part or full shade, making it an ideal plant for woodland gardens. Left alone it will easily self-seed to establish an effective ground cover.
Alternatively, you can propagate via seed or transplant from an already established patch.
You can find this wee gem hiding in the Rhododendron Dell near the top bridge and garden shelter; if having difficulty finding it, feel free to approach a staff member for assistance.
• Garden Life is produced by Dunedin Botanic Garden. For further Information contact Stephanie Sinton.