A popular old-fashioned perennial, it has an amazing selection of common names such as bleeding heart, Dutchman's breeches and lady in the bath.
Dicentra spectabilis has graceful soft green foliage and delicate blooms that dangle from long arching stems.
The flowers are heart-shaped, soft pink with a longer inner white petal that extends below the heart.
Suiting a woodland-style garden, plants perform best in semi shade and a moist location with good drainage. However, they can tolerate a sunnier location. At the Dunedin Botanic Garden, I have Dicentra planted with rugosa roses in full sun and they are performing well.
- Dicentra dislikes root disturbance because of its brittle roots, so try to avoid moving or dividing unless really necessary. Divisions can be done, but root cuttings are another option.
- Suitable for use as a cut flower but more widely grown for its early spring flowering display.
- No serious insect or disease problems.
- Planted in various areas throughout the botanic garden's herbaceous borders and in the species bed in the rose garden.
Linda Hellyer is curator of the rose garden and herbaceous borders at Dunedin Botanic Garden.