48-hour film fest efforts leave group ‘wiped’

From left: Jack Taylor, Fahim Ahmadasri and Kreelahna Pili-Misikopa. Photo: Gregor Richardson
From left: Jack Taylor, Fahim Ahmadasri and Kreelahna Pili-Misikopa. Photo: Gregor Richardson
A team of Dunedin creatives spent a sleepless 48 hours creating their short film, Beware of the Dog, from scratch for the regional selection of the 48-hour film festival.

The group was given its genre and three prompts at 7pm on Friday, after which they could get started on writing the script, co-ordinating actors, learning lines, filming and editing. The entire process had to be completed within 48 hours.

Actor and director Mark John said the group’s film centred around a man who took "a line [of drugs] at a party", after which he turned into a dog.

One of the prompts the group’s film needed was a warning, which Mr John said for them was a man telling the protagonist "if you takes that line, you will turn into a dawg".

He then took the line, and he turned into a dog.

He said the process left the group "wiped", but they had done their best. 

