All mapped out

Silverstream School pupils (main pic, from left) Jessica Christie, Jayde Smith, Rikki Kerr,...
Silverstream School pupils (main pic, from left) Jessica Christie, Jayde Smith, Rikki Kerr, Samantha Berry, Loren O'Connor and Jacob Andrews (all 10) orientate themselves.
East Taieri School pupils (from left) Kate Hanna (11), Ollie Ritchie (10), parent Jim Cotter,...
East Taieri School pupils (from left) Kate Hanna (11), Ollie Ritchie (10), parent Jim Cotter, Grace Cotter (10) and Shinae Stanley (10) head for a checkpoint. Photos by Peter McIntosh.

Two-hundred pupils from Elm Grove, East Taieri and Silverstream Schools were at the Dunedin Botanic Garden and Ross Creek last Wednesday for the Taieri Schools Orienteering Competition, designed to teach them how to read maps, follow clues and work as a team.

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