You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. News Dunedin 0 Comments PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN Micah Crump, 10, of Dunedin, plays disc golf with brothers (from left) Samuel, 15, Ben, 17, and Levi, 13, at Chingford Park last week. The weather made for a great opportunity to go outdoors, rather than stay cooped up inside. Related Stories Skirt hike behind diversion: report Home ‘total loss’ after fire Green Island from above Prohibited fire season declared from 8am today Ethereal, graceful performance a festival taster Baroque sounds rarely heard in New Zealand impress SUBSCRIBER No answers for Back Beach boat use issue This year’s Valentine’s Day even busier for florist Call to keep distance from rare penguin SUBSCRIBER Call for tree classification changes SUBSCRIBER Plan to reduce climate risk reporting criticised Showing their colours More