Crash destroys vestibule of scout hall

Roslyn Scouts group leader Kim Cousins stands amid the rubble left after a car crashed on to the...
Roslyn Scouts group leader Kim Cousins stands amid the rubble left after a car crashed on to the property and demolished part of the scout hall. PHOTOS: STEPHEN JAQUIERY/KIM COUSINS
Rubble and car parts strewn in front of the Roslyn Scout hall are the aftermath of a spectacular crash at the weekend that has demolished the building's vestibule.

A car travelling away from the city on the Wakari side of Stuart St crossed the centre line, smashed through a fence to the property metres below, demolished part of the building and ended up on its roof, early on Sunday morning.

Roslyn Scouts group leader Kim Cousins said her initial reaction on arriving at the building on Sunday morning, apart from relief nobody was there at the time, was ``is the guy all right?''

She said neighbours saw the driver of the red Subaru Impreza and told her he flagged down a taxi after the crash, despite leaving a trail of blood at the scene.

The vehicle had since been removed by a tow truck after police investigated and collected evidence.

The Subaru Impreza where it lay overturned after the crash.
The Subaru Impreza where it lay overturned after the crash.
Police said they were working to identify the driver, but had yesterday made no arrest.

Dr Cousins said she was relieved the damage was limited to the enclosed vestibule of the building.

The building was fully insured but ``a big chunk'' of funds raised recently for repairs would have to pay for the excess.

The crash was the second incident at the scout hall at the weekend. On Saturday, Dr Cousins reported a break-in to police in which a small amount of food was stolen.

However, the crash had brought the best out of the scouts. Leaders had already found alternative activities for the about 40 keas, cubs, venturers and scouts, who were aged between 5 and 18 years old, that did not involve the hall.

Other scout groups had offered their halls while repairs were made, and the national scouting body had offered assistance.

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