Road closures have taken place as the Dunedin City Council works on the final surfacing of the intersection.
Preparation for the work was being undertaken in two stages, with half of the intersection being closed at a time.
A council spokesman said the first stage, which began on March 11, involved the London/Frederick half of the intersection.
This work had meant the lower part of London St had been closed.
Access in and out of the neighbouring Knox block had only been available via the five-way intersection.
The second stage, expected to begin on March 18, would see London St reopen and work shift to the Frederick/Pitt half.
Access to the Knox block would change once this began.
"Drivers won’t be able to exit via the five-way intersection and will instead have to exit either via Albany St or George St northbound," the spokesman said.
A final surface for the entire intersection would follow in a couple of weeks. It would be done at night.