The PostnatalME expo was back for a fourth year, at Forsyth Barr Stadium. The event aimed to show expectant and postpartum mothers tips and tricks for looking after themselves and their babies and the support services available in the community.
Plunket community services co-ordinator Tina Mangos said you would be hard-pressed to find a larger gathering of pregnant women in Dunedin.
"Sometimes it’s about finding out what to expect postpartum, and sometimes it’s just so people know they are not alone in the struggles they may face."
The day featured guest speakers from a range of organisations and support services in Dunedin.
Topics included information about nutrition for parents, pelvic health, postpartum exercise, how to care for your body postpartum and how to navigate mental health struggles postpartum.
"If one person learns one thing or connects with even one support service the day is a success."
The event, organised jointly by Plunket and Empower Me Fitness, attracted its highest numbers ever and would not have been possible without a community grant from Dunedin Venues.
"For any parent, it’s OK to ask for help and it’s hard to do it all alone. We’re hoping to make that more accepted and normalised."
Dunedin mother Sheryl MacKenzie said 11 months ago she welcomed her second baby and was looking for more tips and tricks she could use while in the "fourth trimester".
"I don’t have family around for support and this is all very useful information here.
"It’s great to find out all the support available in the community for mothers and to meet people on the same journey as yourself."