Community Fruit Harvest Dunedin Ōtepoti is in full swing this summer, visiting gardens across the city at the invitation of the householders to pick fruit that would otherwise go to waste.
Co-ordinator Karena Garrett said the fruit was collected and distributed to the community.
The project was partnered with the Valley Project and Our Food Network. It aimed to develop a food-resilient Dunedin and "help [to] share healthy kai for everybody".
Last year, 4234kg of fruit was donated to community groups, food banks and community pantries across the city, Ms Garrett said.
"We all know that we're in a bit of an economic crisis at the moment. It's been a tough time, for families especially.
"Accessing healthy, affordable fruit is really important and helpful for everybody in the community."

"We co-ordinate a day based on the lovely Dunedin weather and when our volunteers are available and the property owner is available," she said.
Yesterday, volunteers were picking plums and apples at a property in Green Island.
Landowner Diana Tobeck said the harvest was a brilliant idea as she and her husband would not use all the fruit themselves.
"It’s a wonderful sense of community to be able to do this," she said.
"It’s really, really nice to think this excess fruit will go to people who need it rather than falling on the ground and rotting."
• Anyone who wished to volunteer or donate fruit should contact the group at