Kavanagh College senior prizes

Co-Dux Olive Scurr.
Co-Dux Olive Scurr.
Co-Dux Hannah Botting.
Co-Dux Hannah Botting.
Co-Dux Sarah Al-Balushi.
Co-Dux Sarah Al-Balushi.
Kavanagh College senior prize-giving was held recently. Awards were made as follows:

Principal’s awards

Nevaeh Aitcheson (service to school); Maliza Alakahoon (service to Edmund Rice Camps); Sarah Al-Balushi (service to the library); Lachlan Allibone (service to Edmund Rice Camps); Manaia Barns (service to breakfast club); Jack Be (service to technology); Daniel Cairns (service to technology); Molly Colbert (service to the library); Patrick Cotter (service to technology); Iris Gallagher (service to school mentoring); Sophie Golden (service to school mentoring); Charlotte Harris (service to school mentoring); Monique Hollis-Pye (service to Young Vinnies); Mariya Jose (service to breakfast club, service to Edmund Rice Camps); Timothy Lapham (service to debating); Alison Latawan (service to Envirogroup, service to Edmund Rice Camps); Paris Laws (service to Edmund Rice Camps); Shreenidhi Mahamuni (service to debating); Ciana McIver (service to school mentoring); Ellie McKenzie (service to the library); Heath Middleton (service to technology); Matthew Mosley-O'Leary (service to technology); Aya Oseki (service to technology); Katie Paton (service to the library); Isla Reeves (service to technology); Isabella Stewart (service to the library); Pari Teli (service to diversity group, service to the library).

Honours awards

University of Otago new frontiers scholarship: Lachlan Allibone, Madison Buckley, Molly Colbert, Caoimhe Dowd, Alison Latawan, Paris Laws, Gabriel Vink; University of Otago vice-chancellor's scholarship: Alexander Bello; University of Otago Maori entrance scholarship: Beth Sunderland; University of Otago 150th entrance scholarship: Ciara Campbell, Pari Teli; University of Otago vice-chancellor's high distinction scholarship: Olive Scurr; Massey University vice-chancellor's excellence award: Sarah Al-Balushi; University of Otago academic excellence scholarship: Luca Holloway; prime minister's vocational excellence scholarship: Mariya Jose; Otago Polytechnic Pacific Island scholarship: Isaac Tili; Otago Polytechnic school principal's scholarship: Jack Pearson-Howell; Dominican scholarship: Toby Kearney; Catherine McAuley scholarship: Oliver Lodge; Edmund Rice scholarship: Emma Christophers; senior Pasifika leadership award: ‘Ofa Vaka'uta; Te Atairangikaahu Tohu Rakatira award: Manaia Barns; Class act: Sarah Al-Balushi, Manaia Barns; Mana Pounamu Young Achievers award: Manaia Barns (senior) , Patrick Cotter (junior); Head girl: Mariya Jose; Head boy: Manaia Barns; Deputy head girl: Sarah Al-Balushi; Deputy head boy: Alexander Bello; Special character prefects: Maliza Alahakoon, Pippa Sherriff.

Joint dux: Sarah Al-Balushi (1st outstanding achievement biology, English, 1st equal outstanding achievement calculus, physics, outstanding achievement chemistry, religious education, general diligence); Hannah Botting (A+ Canterbury University stage 1 engineering, 1st equal outstanding achievement physics, outstanding achievement chemistry, statistics, commendation biology, general diligence); Olive Scurr (1st outstanding achievement chemistry, statistics, 1st equal outstanding achievement calculus, physics, outstanding achievement religious education, general diligence).

Merit awards

CETA medal: Ella Reilly; Forsyth Barr prize: Dragon Winikoff; Zonta prize: April Gamao; Mathematics/science prize: Sarah Al-Balushi; English prize: Sarah Al-Balushi; Religious education essay prize: Gabriel Vink; Social science prize: Caoimhe Dowd; Top senior student in mathematics: Hannah Botting; Most promising senior art student: Luca Holloway; AJ Miles award: Katie Paton; International student 2022: Karn Lertjirawong; Colin Casey Young Achievers award: Madison Buckley; Karaka Rapata memorial award: Manaia Barns; Founders' prize for Christian citizenship: Shreenidhi Mahamuni; ANZ trophy: Caoimhe Dowd; Tracy O'Brien memorial award: Daniel Cairns.

Academic awards

Year 11

Aila Armstrong (1st outstanding achievement English); Elijah Booth (outstanding achievement art, commendation English extension, mathematics, physical education, religious education); Daniel Botting (1st outstanding achievement mathematics, outstanding achievement geography, physical education, commendation science); Isabel Castillo (outstanding achievement physical education, commendation English extension, mathematics, science); Liam Clifford (1st= outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement English extension, religious education, commendation science); Bridget Colbert (outstanding achievement art, digital technology, commendation mathematics); Patrick Cotter (1st in material technology, 1st equal outstanding achievement digital technology, mathematics extension, outstanding achievement English extension, commendation religious education); Evie Dangerfield (1st outstanding achievement textile technology, commendation English extension); Thomas Davis (1st outstanding achievement art, 1st commendation design and visual communication, 1st equal outstanding achievement mathematics extension, outstanding achievement English extension, science); Ruby de Graaf (outstanding achievement physical education, commendation drama, English extension, mathematics, general diligence); Lauren Dick (commendation history, general diligence); Alexander Fern (1st equal outstanding achievement digital technology); Iris Gallagher (1st equal outstanding achievement French, outstanding achievement English extension, commendation art, history); Charlotte Harris (1st equal outstanding achievement drama, history, outstanding achievement English extension, religious education, science, commendation mathematics extension); Phoebe Harris (1st equal outstanding achievement dance (level 2), drama, commendation English extension, mathematics, religious education); Monique Hollis-Pye (1st equal outstanding achievement English extension, French, outstanding achievement drama, science, commendation mathematics extension, general diligence); Daisy Jarvie (outstanding achievement art, English extension, history, religious education, science); Ara Jolly (1st equal outstanding achievement history, commendation material technology); Alice Kelsall (1st equal outstanding achievement geography, outstanding achievement art, English extension, science); Anahera Lewis (commendation art, history, mathematics, general diligence); Oliver Lodge (1st outstanding achievement Maori, 1st equal outstanding achievement music, outstanding achievement English extension, religious education, commendation mathematics extension, science); Tia Mawhinney (1st outstanding achievement dance, outstanding achievement English, commendation drama, mathematics, general diligence); Jeremy Meikle (1st equal outstanding achievement English extension, geography, outstanding achievement art, religious education, science); Christian Mullens (outstanding achievement digital technology, science, commendation mathematics extension); Aya Oseki (outstanding achievement English extension, history, commendation Japanese (correspondence), religious education); Misha Peyroux (outstanding achievement art, physical education, commendation English, mathematics); John Ramos (1st equal outstanding achievement geography, outstanding achievement English extension, physical education, religious education, science); Sean Small (1st outstanding achievement chemistry (level 2), mathematics extension (level 2), 1st equal outstanding achievement biology (level 2), outstanding achievement music); Hui Ying (Vania) Wong (1st commendation food technology, outstanding achievement art, English extension, science, commendation mathematics extension).

Year 12

Ravija Alahakoon (outstanding achievement physical education, religious education); Ilan Barson-McLean (1st mechanical engineering); Jack Be (outstanding achievement history, religious education); Daniel Cairns (1st outstanding achievement digital technology); April Gamao (1st equal outstanding achievement dance, 1st equal commendation physics, outstanding achievement biology, religious education, commendation in chemistry, mathematics extension, general diligence); Catelyn Glanville (1st commendation textile technology, outstanding achievement art, commendation mathematics, general diligence); Maia Halls (1st equal outstanding achievement English, outstanding achievement art, economics, mathematics extension, religious education, general diligence); Samuel Kelly (1st outstanding achievement music, outstanding achievement chemistry, drama, statistics (level 3)); Ted Kerr-Bell (1st outstanding achievement drama, outstanding achievement religious education); Timothy Lapham (outstanding achievement history, religious education, commendation mathematics, general diligence); Amalie Latton (outstanding achievement drama, statistics, commendation dance, photography); Michael Louw-Young (outstanding achievement drama, history, commendation photography); Connor McAuslin (1st earth and space science); Ellie McKenzie (1st outstanding achievement French, outstanding achievement biology, religious education, general diligence); Jemma Mortimer (1st outstanding achievement dance (level 3), outstanding achievement religious education, commendation biology); Matthew Mosley-O'Leary (outstanding achievement accounting, digital technology); Melanie Noquilla (outstanding achievement history, commendation biology, chemistry, physics, general diligence); Johanna O'Neill (1st building, 1st equal outstanding achievement physical education); Olivia Oram (outstanding achievement art, religious education, commendation biology); Katie Paton (1st outstanding achievement geography, 1st equal outstanding achievement physical education); Cole Phillips (1st material technology, 1st equal outstanding achievement English, 1st equal commendation physics, outstanding achievement chemistry, religious education, commendation mathematics extension); Ella Reilly (1st outstanding achievement economics, mathematics, 1st equal outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement geography, religious education); Oscar Robertson (A+ Canterbury University stage 1 engineering, 1st equal outstanding achievement physics (level 3)); Harlan Smith (1st equal outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement art, commendation biology); Isabella Stewart (outstanding achievement religious education, general diligence); Peter Wilson (1st equal outstanding achievement biology, outstanding achievement chemistry, English, commendation physics, general diligence).

Year 13

Maliza Alahakoon (1st equal outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement biology, statistics, religious education, general diligence); Sarah Al-Balushi (1st outstanding achievement biology, English, 1st equal outstanding achievement calculus, physics, outstanding achievement chemistry, religious education, general diligence); Lachlan Allibone (1st equal outstanding achievement earth and space science, outstanding achievement history, statistics, religious education, commendation geography); Manaia Barns (1st outstanding achievement Maori, 1st commendation design and visual communication, 1st equal outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement religious education, commendation calculus, physics); Olivia Bell (1st design and visual communication); Hannah Botting (A+ Canterbury University stage 1 engineering, 1st equal outstanding achievement physics, outstanding achievement chemistry, statistics, commendation biology, general diligence); Madison Buckley (1st equal outstanding achievement earth and space science, outstanding achievement biology, English, geography, statistics); Emma Christophers (1st outstanding achievement physical education); Caoimhe Dowd (outstanding achievement earth and space science, religious education, commendation English, history); Hayley Golden (1st outstanding achievement drama); Lillie Hawkins (1st commendation art: printmaking); Luca Holloway (1st equal outstanding achievement art: painting, outstanding achievement history, photography, commendation calculus); Mariya Jose (outstanding achievement history, religious education, commendation biology); Ruby La Hood (outstanding achievement history, religious education, commendation earth and space science, general diligence); Alison Latawan (outstanding achievement geography, music, religious education); Paris Laws (outstanding achievement physical education, religious education, commendation geography); Ethan O'Brien (1st outstanding achievement music, commendation drama); Anya Parnell (outstanding achievement geography, religious education, commendation biology, earth and space science, English, statistics); Olive Scurr (1st outstanding achievement chemistry, statistics, 1st equal outstanding achievement calculus, physics, outstanding achievement religious education, general diligence); Pari Teli (1st outstanding achievement French); Hana Uehara (1st equal outstanding achievement art: painting); Gabriel Vink (1st outstanding achievement geography, outstanding achievement statistics, religious education); Kainan Wang (general diligence); Guinevere Wilson (outstanding achievement biology, religious education, commendation earth and space science); Jack Wilson (outstanding achievement biology, English, religious education); John Wilson (1st outstanding achievement digital technology); Dragon Winikoff (1st commendation economics, commendation English).

Cultural blues

Sarah Al-Balushi (Bishop’s Shield); Manaia Barns (Bishop’s Shield, debating, excellence for kapa haka and Nga Manu Korero); Daniel Cairns (production technology, excellence pantomime technology); Hayley Golden (production, excellence pantomime and Shakespeare festival); Jamie Hall (jazz combo); Phoebe Harris (Bishop’s Shield, production, Shakespeare festival, excellence hip-hop choreography); Luca Holloway (Bishop’s shield, debating); Serenity Hook (chamber music, jazz combo, excellence pantomime band); Anamika Jones (Rockquest, excellence pantomime, production, merit Bishop’s Shield); Orla Kelly (debating, excellence Bishop’s Shield); Samuel Kelly (jazz combo, production, excellence Shakespeare festival); Ted Kerr-Bell (Shakespeare festival, excellence Bishop’s Shield); Troy Kubala (Shakespeare festival); Amalie Latton (Bishop’s Shield, production, excellence Shakespeare festival, merit debating); Oliver Lodge (Caritas songwriting, chamber music, production, Rockquest, excellence Bishop’s Shield, jazz combo, merit kapa haka); Michael Louw-Young (Shakespeare festival, excellence pantomime, service to production); Meila McCartney (Shakespeare festival); Jeremy Meikle (production, excellence Bishop’s Shield); Jemma Mortimer (Shakespeare festival, excellence hip-hop choreography); Aya Oseki (production technology); Oscar Robertson (jazz combo); Sean Small (chamber music); Isaac Tili (kapa haka, Shakespeare festival, excellence Bishop’s Shield, Pasifika Vibes, production); Grzegorz Twardowski (production, excellence Bishop’s Shield, pantomime); 'Ofa Vaka'uta (Pasifika Vibes).

Sports blues

Emma Christophers (water polo); Ruby de Graaf (volleyball); Kyran Edmonds (handball); Sophie Golden (basketball); Karn Lertjirawong (table tennis); Oliver Lodge (athletics); Oliver Lodge (cross country); Shreenidhi Mahamuni (tennis); Ellie McKenzie (curling); Olivia Oram (curling); Sarah Oram (curling); Aya Oseki (basketball); Aya Oseki (handball); Misha Peyroux (surfing); Katie Pullar (volleyball); Abby Simpson (basketball); Bella Stewart (curling).

Wall of fame

Finlay Clarke-Wallace (singing); Kyran Edmonds (handball); April Gamao (hip-hop); Serenity Hook (brass band); Ted Kerr-Bell (Shakespeare performance); Troy Kubala (Shakespeare performance); Tia Mawhinney (hip-hop); Ellie McKenzie (curling); Sarah Oram (curling); Olivia Oram (curling); Isabella Stewart (curling); Isaac Taylor (Shakespeare performance); Isaac Tili (Shakespeare performance).


