Bayfield High School’s envirogroup is asking the public to stop dumping their rubbish in the school’s bins.
Envirogroup teacher Karola Franklyn said the group sorted rubbish into recyclables and waste during lunchtime on Tuesdays.
However, their job was made difficult by the public, who used the school’s bins during the weekends.
"Every time after the weekends we come back here and our bins, that are previously relatively empty, are full of all sorts of things.
"If you dig in a little deeper ... there will be somebody’s whole rubbish bag in there."
The problem had been ongoing for two to three years.

"People come over the weekend, they party, have birthday parties and they dump their rubbish here."
Ms Franklyn said the school had to pay every time extra rubbish needed to be taken away, which cut into the school’s budget for other things for pupils.
Year 11 pupil Anika Franklyn said her peers had to clean out a liquid that smelt like a mix of rotten egg and dog poo.
It was frustrating having to do the someone else’s dirty work.
"It’s just really annoying because there are people like us that are making a big effort to help the environment and other people don’t give a toss and leave all the work to other people.
"They don’t even try to respect it at all."