Maori ministers in South

Dunedin was awash with ministers of the Crown yesterday, as the Labour Maori caucus continued a national tour to sell Budget 2022 to iwi and hapu.

Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis spent his morning at Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Otepoti in Fairfield, where he highlighted record Budget support for scholarships, te reo development, and funding for land purchases and development of kura schools.

"We’ve set an ambitious target to grow Maori-medium and kaupapa Maori education over the next two decades and have set the foundations through record investment in the past three years," Mr Davis said.

It was expected 215 kura and schools would access the funding, and allow six which were using temporary sites to build permanent facilities.

The roadshow then moved on to Te Kaika in Caversham, where Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson promoted $28.5 million in funding for whanau resilience and Whanau Ora Minister Peeni Henare spoke about the four-year, $166.5 million appropriation for the schemes programmes to help Maori families recover following Covid-19.

"Without Whanau Ora, the pandemic looks like a rather grim picture for Maori," Mr Henare said.

Whanau Ora Minister Peeni Henare (left) and Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson promote...
Whanau Ora Minister Peeni Henare (left) and Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson promote Maori spending initiatives in last week’s Budget during a visit to Dunedin yesterday. PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH

"The ability of Whanau Ora to quickly reach out to whanau, and particularly hard-to-reach whanau, was immensely important."

Mr Jackson said the whanau resilience package focused on helping young Maori and women.

Other Labour Maori MPs who took part in events yesterday included Meka Whaitiri, Kiritapu Allan and Rino Tirikatene.

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