"I like the jiggers better than the trains," he said, dressed in a yellow oil slicker to keep him dry and warm as the uncovered jigger followed the steam-hauled train back to the city yesterday.
The Dunedin boy and his father were two of thousands who travelled to Middlemarch for a Labour Weekend train festival.
Taieri Gorge operations manager Grant Craig estimated about 5000 people attended the festival, coming from all over New Zealand and even Australia to reminisce and share stories.
A Vulcan railcar, once the only rail connection people living in Middlemarch and Central Otago had with Dunedin, brought back memories for many.
One man was crying, he was so moved by the memories the Vulcan prompted, Mr Craig said.
"Nothing has been done like this before with the Vulcan railcar.
"This is where they belong and where people remember them."
The 1939 railcar was one of several used regularly on the Taieri Gorge line between 1956 and 1976.
The 48-seater was brought to the festival from its home at the Ferrymead historic park in Christchurch.
A lot of ex-railway staff were also at the festival, reminiscing and enjoying rides in the railcar, and on the steam and diesel vintage excursions, Mr Craig said.
The festival celebrated the 130th anniversary of the turning of the first sod in 1879 to build the railway line through to Cromwell.
A re-enactment of the turning of the sod was held in Wingatui yesterday.
Dressed in period costume, Rhys Latton, of Ake Ake Theatre in Wellington, playing Vincent Pyke, Goldfields MP, in 1879, turned the sod.
Dunedin city councillor Richard Walls, playing resident engineer Edgeworth Ussher, introduced Mr Pyke.