It will be 2011-12 at the earliest before a rates classification review for flood and drainage works on the Taieri could be completed, Otago Regional Council corporate services director Wayne Scott said.
Mr Scott was commenting at yesterday's full council meeting after Cr David Shepherd gave an overview of two meetings, organised by Federated Farmers, to discuss the works and the impact they had and would have, on landowners' rates.
Cr Shepherd said the paramount issue for the farmers was the outdated classification of benefits for the works.
"They were urging that we look promptly where the benefits lie."
Mr Scott said the review, which the council had committed to, needed to fit in and around other council processes such as the annual plan - a draft for the 2010-11 year was due out next month - and consultation processes.
"Clearly, it cannot be done by 2010-11 so maybe the year after that will be the earliest we can achieve it by."
That still left the question of to what extent work was stopped while the rating issues were determined, he said.
The review could not begin until the technical work determining the beneficiaries of the work was completed, he said.
It was a very complicated process due to the Taieri's three rating districts and as some of the drainage and flood control works fell into both categories.
A formal economic assessment would be required as a basis for the review, Mr Scott said.
"I'm aware it needs to get under way as soon as possible."
Federated Farmers Otago Branch president Mike Lord said he was unhappy it would take at least another year for a review.
As a result of the two meetings, a committee had been nominated to deal with the issue and progress the issues further, Mr Lord said.
"It's very frustrating."