Experienced events and festival organiser Tanya Muagututi'a has taken up the lead as director for the festival, which begins next month.
Ms Muagututi'a said Polyfest was a beautiful celebration of Maori and Pasifika culture.
Otago Polyfest was one of the oldest Pasifika festivals in the country and it was an honour to be directing it, she said.
She had a long history with festivals, having worked on Pasifika Festival in Auckland, the Auckland Arts Festival, the Christchurch Arts Festival and more.
She also ran her own festival, the Pasifika Underground Festival, from 2001 to 2010.
At its core, Otago Polyfest was about supporting the kids and giving young Maori and Pasifika people a platform, she said.
Last year the festival was cancelled due to Covid-19, which left many young performers without a chance to get on stage.
"It was really difficult for the kids."
That missed opportunity made them eager for the festival to return, Ms Muagututi'a said.
Registration for performers opened recently and the response had been "massive".
In the past there had been up to 160 schools involved with thousands of performers, she said.
The festival received a $150,000 grant from Creative New Zealand’s Tasi Wave Pacific Festivals Fund, a fund for Pasifika festivals that addressed the impact of Covid-19.
Co-chairwoman Angelina Kiore said the money would give the festival the ability to take their work to a higher level.
The festival would have a larger publicity presence and better technical aspects, such as graphics.
The money would contribute to professional staffing to help complete the festival, she said.