Public excluded from second DCHL meeting

A second extraordinary - and non-public - Dunedin City Council meeting has been called to discuss "Dunedin City Holdings Ltd matters" and an "investment opportunity".

But Mayor Dave Cull said last night the issues were not "of such import", and he and deputy mayor Chris Staynes would not be attending.

The last meeting on DCHL was revealed to be about the sale of council-owned company Citibus, and the wording of the subject of the meeting was the same.

The reason for public exclusion for both issues was that having it in public could result in disclosure of information "for which good reason for withholding exists".

Mr Cull said he expected an announcement on the issue would be made "in about a week".

Apologies for the meeting, scheduled for tomorrow, were received from Mr Cull, who was away on council business, Cr Staynes and Cr Teresa Stevenson.


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