It's the thought that counts, and Otago romantics are thinking ahead this year.
Amaryllis for Flowers is reporting a higher number of pre-ordered flowers than normal.
Owner Susan Masters could not explain the new demand for pre-orders, but she was not complaining.
"People seem to have organised things in advance this year.
"It’s great, I’m getting orders in while I sleep."

Staff would do about three weeks of work over one week, and 12 to 16-hour days were normal around this time.
"It’s the busiest day of the year definitely ... Mother’s Day is the busiest week."
Red roses were always the favourite, she said, and the shop had ordered 450 of them to sell for Valentine’s Day.
"The orders have been flowing in since Sunday."
The most memorable order she had taken on Valentine’s Day was two years ago, when a man had ordered two lots of a dozen red roses - for his significant other’s home and work.