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Snow coats Brockville and Saddle Hill yesterday morning. PHOTO STEPHEN JAQUIERY

Speeding down the snowy hills outside Wakari Hospital on an improvised sled yesterday is Ollie Kemmett (11). PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN

Throwing snowballs are (from left) Cooper Newbury (6), Jo Fletcher and Lukas Newbury (10). PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN

Picking up speed on the hills outside Wakari Hospital in Dunedin is Daisy Jiang (4). PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN

Bins continue to be emptied despite the snow at Turner St yesterday morning. PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN

Harry (3) and Ada (5) Christie prepare to launch snowballs before heading off to preschool and school. PHOTO: CHRISTINE O’CONNOR
Otago Daily Times photographers captured the aftermath of the snowstorm in Dunedin yesterday.