The thief who stole Christmas

The children of Macandrew Bay won't be able to play on their newly constructed skateboard ramp these Christmas holidays.

A group of young local skaters recently constructed the ramp (with parent help)and were looking forward to using it over the Christmas holidays.

The Macandrew Bay School Principal and Board of Trustees had generously given their permission for the ramp to be located in the school grounds.

It was from this location that the ramp was stolen on either Sunday 29th or Monday 30th of November.

Mark Edwards one of the parents who helped design and build the ramp says "The children are gutted. It is a large, heavy object that would be difficult to use without someone noticing. We are hoping that the ramp is returned or information is provided about its new location."

Anyone with information can contact either the local police on (03) 478 0209 or alternatively Mark Edwards on (03) 476 1887.

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