Cromwell College held its junior prizegiving recently. The prize list is. -
Sports awards
Basketball: Most valuable player junior boys, Zane Garr; most improved junior girls, Tayla Kinley.
Cricket: Most improved player junior, Regan Hucklebridge.
Hockey: Most improved player junior, Jonty Guilford; most valuable player junior, Adrienne Lategan.
Netball: Most improved player years 9 and 10, Claudia Patton; contribution to and enthusiasm years 7-10, Tia Clark.
Rugby: Dedication years 9 and 10, Isaac Steenjes; most outstanding player years 7 to 10, Isaac Steenjes.
Swimming: Junior girls, Gaby Harmon; junior boys, Kieran Longman; intermediate girls, Sarah Hogan; intermediate boys, Jo Harrison.
Athletics: Commitment, Kelsey Clark.
Outstanding sports achievement Karate: Emma Henderson (1st team Kumite, International Kawata Cup Japan); Jodie Batt (2nd individual Kata, 3rd individual kumite, International Kawata Cup Japan, NZ karate team to compete at Oceania championships); Michael Manson (3rd team Kata, International Kawata Cup Japan, 1st team Kumite, International Kawata Cup Japan).
Athletics: Tia Clark (2nd shotput Otago/Southland athletics championship); Tegan Buchanan (1st Otago secondary schools road relay mixed grade, outstanding achievement multisport); Bob Wardill (2nd U15 teams race Otago secondary schools duathlon); Reuben Kemna (2nd U15 teams race Otago secondary schools duathlon); Tegan Buchanan (1st U15 girls individual Otago secondary schools duathlon, 1st NZ secondary schools multisport year 9 and 10 girls); Lain McMillan (2nd NZ secondary schools multisport year 9 and 10 boys, outstanding achievement hockey); Tegan Buchanan (regional hockey team 4th national U15 tournament, Southern U18 hockey); Georgia Franklin (regional hockey team 4th national U15 tournament).
Rugby: Joe Harrison (Otago Country U14); Kees Scott (Otago Country U14).
Netball: Laurel Williams (U14 Central Otago team); Claudia Patton (U14 Central Otago team); Sarah Hogan (U14 Central Otago team); Tia Clark U14 Central Otago team).
Go-karting: Kamryn Reddy (2nd Mainland series, 2nd place Southern winter series, 3rd place South Island champs).
Swimming: Gaby Harman (New Zealand junior nationals); Joe Harrison (national division 2).
Squash: Jessica Moore (Otago U15 girls team).
Gymsports: Keeleigh Jones (Otago team to nationals. 2nd place Step 6 pairs); Millie Ryan (Otago team to nationals, 2nd place Step 6 pairs).
Soccer: Rian Norton (Central Otago U14 team, national Talent Centre).
Cricket: Issac Steentjes (Otago Country U17 team.
Water skiing: Blake Hamilton (NZ U14 team, Southern regions team).
Service, cultural, subject awards
Contribution library, Lucy van Dyke, Jasmine Dunnet; most promising player in pipe band all levels, Kleff Tan; diligence Maori years 9 and 10, Tia Clark; contribution arts (and crafts) junior, Jenema Palencia; most improved food technology pupil years 7 to 10, Megan Bell; best all round technology pupil year 9, Alicia de Joux; outstanding work materials technology year 10, Isaac Steenjes; creative writing years 9 and 10, Angelina Rolston; years 9 and 10 speech competition, Cameron Smith; outstanding improvement years 9 and 10, Aidan Croy.
Class awards
10C: Blake Dunnage, diligence 2 subjects; Lockie Scott, year 10 certificate achieved; Cowan Lowrey, diligence 1 subject; certificate achieved; James Studholme, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with merit; Molly Pimm, diligence 1 subject, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate achieved; Jamie Morton, diligence 2 subjects, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate achieved; Kendra Roberts, diligence 2 subjects, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate achieved; Marikit Stroud, diligence 2 subjects, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with merit; Brittany Withell, diligence 3 subjects, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with merit; Ruby-May Taylor, diligence 5 subjects, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Jacob Vaughan, diligence 2 subjects, distinction materials technology, certificate achieved; Georgia Franklin, diligence 4 subjects, distinction English, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Keegan McCusker, diligence 4 subjects, distinction science, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Taylah Wallis, diligence 4 subjects, distinction English, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Tralee Sugrue, diligence 7 subjects, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Terri Taylor, diligence 5 subjects, distinction materials technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Brett Ellis, diligence 6 subjects, distinction maths, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Courtney Vowles, diligence 6 subjects, distinction English, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Bailey Scott, diligence 6 subjects, distinction physical education, materials technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Megan Bell, diligence 7 subjects, distinction English, food technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Angelina Rolston, diligence 6 subjects, distinction English, maths, art, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Cameron Smith, diligence 6 subjects, distinction English, maths, science, physical education, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Mason Robinson, diligence 7 subjects, distinction English, social studies, physical education, introductory German by distance learning, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Isla Johnstone, diligence 6 subjects, distinction English, maths, science, social studies, materials technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Tegan Buchanan, diligence 7 subjects, distinction English, science, social studies, physical education, food technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence.9A: Richard Donald, diligence 2 subjects, Jock Gibson, diligence 2 subjects; Alaskia Hansen, diligence 3 subjects; Katie Smith, diligence 5 subjects; Sean Sanders, diligence 8 subjects; Jack Brogan, diligence 7 subjects, distinction music; Aidan Croy, diligence 6 subjects, distinction numeracy; Bonnie Davidson, diligence 6 subjects, distinction SPEC science; Hayley Sutherland, diligence 3 subjects, distinction physical education; Jacob Wilkinson, diligence 5 subjects, distinction maths; Joseph Harrison, diligence 2 subjects, distinction science, physical education; Sam Kaufononga, diligence 3 subjects, distinction language, half day school; Ben Moodie, diligence 3 subjects, distinction art, materials technology; Jessica Moore, diligence 5 subjects, distinction social studies, music; Charlotte Pay, diligence 6 subjects, distinction social studies, art; Kaleb Barrow, diligence 3 subjects, distinction English, social studies, materials technology ; Georgia Buchanan, diligence 9 subjects, distinction Maori, music, materials technology; Lana Deaker, diligence 10 subjects, distinction English, maths, science, social studies, materials technology; Alicia de Joux, diligence 8 subjects, distinction English, maths, science, social studies, music, graphics; Samuel Smith, diligence 8 subjects, distinction English, science, social studies, physical education, music, materials technology; Skye Roberts, diligence 9 subjects, distinction English, social studies, language, art, music, materials technology, graphics.9D: Ethan Hayes, diligence 2 subjects, Tiana Ngataki, diligence 2 subjects; Luke Ashe, diligence 3 subjects, Jack Ryan, diligence 5 subjects, Hamish Wilkinson, diligence 6 subjects; Emma Dennison, diligence 4 subjects, distinction language; Emma Henderson, diligence 8 subjects, distinction social studies; Keeleigh Jones, diligence 9 subjects, distinction social studies; Sophie Kitto, diligence 9 subjects, distinction maths; Claudia Patton, diligence 7 subjects, distinction language; Michalin Stoffels, diligence 8 subjects, distinction materials technology; Lain MacMillan, diligence 2 subjects, distinction physical education, materials technology; Matthew Anderson, diligence 7 subjects, distinction physical education, Maori, materials technology; Mark Hamilton, diligence 10 subjects, distinction science, music, materials technology; Harris Devon, diligence 9 subjects, distinction English, Maori, music, half day school; Ethan Fraser, diligence 7 subjects, distinction English, social studies, language, materials technology; Liam Lennon-Flynn, diligence 7 subjects, distinction maths, social studies, physical education, art; Caitriona MacTaggart, diligence 11 subjects, distinction English, science, social studies, half day school; Laurel Williams, diligence 8 subjects, distinction maths, social studies, physical education, materials technology; Bob Wardill, diligence 10 subjects, distinction English, maths, science, social studies, physical education, graphics, half day school.9J: Travis Bingham, diligence 1 subject; Kyra Clark-Nicholson, diligence 1 subject; Madi Sharp, diligence 1 subject; Meg Stewart, diligence 2 subjects; Jayden Fox, diligence 2 subjects; Andy Coup diligence 3 subjects; Hayley McAuliffe, diligence 3 subjects; Kody Cookson diligence 7 subjects; Seamus Boyes, distinction art; Nina Dew diligence 7 subjects, distinction maths; Sarah Hogan, diligence 4 subjects, distinction art; Josh Smith, diligence 1 subject, distinction physical education; Greta Bauer diligence 7 subjects, distinction English, maths; Tia Clark, diligence 3 subjects, distinction physical education, Maori; Emma Gardner diligence 9 subjects, distinction language, music; Jack Taylor, diligence 6 subjects, distinction maths, music; Rebecca Hilton diligence 6 subjects, distinction maths, science, social studies, art; Regan Hucklebridge diligence 10 subjects, distinction English, maths, science, social studies, physical education, Maori, music, materials technology, graphics.10D: Tonisha Rollo-Herewini, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate achieved; Brooke Helms, diligence 1 subject; Hugh Bradford, diligence 1 subject; Grace Toms, diligence 1 subject, certificate achieved; Caleb Garr, distinction physical education, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award; certificate with merit; Blayn Milne, diligence 1 subject, distinction physical education, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with merit; Kees Scott, diligence 2 subjects, distinction physical education, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with merit; Todd Cruthers, diligence 3 subjects, distinction materials technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with merit; Chevy Melvin, diligence 5 subjects, certificate achieved; Briar Hislop, diligence 6 subjects, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with merit; Tessa Jackson, diligence 4 subjects, distinction food technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Rian Norton, diligence 4 subjects, distinction physical education, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Scott de Wit, diligence 4 subjects, distinction SPEC science, vocal music, certificate achieved; Kate Pendreigh, diligence 4 subjects, distinction English, introductory French by distance learning, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Kate Macleod, diligence 4 subjects, distinction maths, physical education, music, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Zena Daniels, diligence 6 subjects, distinction food technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Isaac Steentjes, diligence 6 subjects, distinction physical education, materials technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Chloe Pyper, diligence 5 subjects, distinction social studies, physical education, food technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Courtney Anderson, diligence 6 subjects, distinction English, science, materials technology, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Reuben Kemna, diligence 6 subjects, distinction English, social studies, physical education, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Ash Stanley-Suter, diligence 6 subjects, distinction maths, social studies, music, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Tegan Mills, diligence 5 subjects, distinction maths, science, social studies, physical education, certificate achieved; Amelia Wilkinson, diligence 7 subjects, distinction maths, science, social studies, art, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence; Hazel Gibson, diligence 7 subjects, distinction English, maths, science, social studies, art, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, certificate with excellence.
Outstanding achievement
Cultural: Logan Bell, speech and drama, highest grade aggregate (including 4 first places, speech and drama , 3 first places piano) Mosgiel/Oamaru Performing Arts, Oamaru Performing Arts Scholarship; Megan Bell, speech and drama, highest grade aggregate (including 1st character, 1st solo) Mosgiel/Oamaru Performing Arts, Oamaru Performing Arts Scholarship, ballet, Royal Academy Intermediate Foundation 6 distinction; Ruby May Taylor, ballet, Royal Academy Intermediate Foundation 6 merit; Courtney Anderson, ballet/dance, 1st jazz, 1st duet Mosgiel/Oamaru Performing Arts competition, regional representative to perform at National Young Performers Award competitions, Royal Academy intermediate exam 6 distinction.
Premier awards
Contribution to sporting life of junior school, Tegan Buchanan; responsibility and leadership years 9 and 10, Kees Scott; outstanding contribution to life of junior school, Cameron Smith, top achieving year 9 pupil, Regan Hucklebridge; junior dux - top academic year 10 pupil, Hazel Gibson; girl runner-up to top year 10 pupil, Angelina Rolston; boy runner-up to top year 10 pupil, Cameron Smith, top all-round year 10 pupil, Tegan Buchanan.