Shock and horror in captivity

Eyelids flickered maniacally, casting me in and out of consciousness.

A hazy glow steadied itself closer, a doorway to another life.

I remember leaving my brother Toby behind as the haze turned to cool, luminous brilliance.

Now the entrance was within my grasp, I watched my hand unwillingly reach out, and with a twist of hesitation, I was immersed once more in another strange vicinity.

I didn't recognise the alien cube which contained me, walls boxing me in like unwanted junk when moving homes.

A thousand tonnes of ice menaced my body; teeth chattered as I noticed my wrists and ankles were bound by coarse, taut knots.

My skull throbbed while a bitter taste formed as blood trickled from my nose to my lips.

The cutting chill had enveloped my senses momentarily, then suddenly a sharp, putrid stench invited itself to the base of my nostrils.

My whole face recoiled in disgust, twisted muscle and eyes watering.

I opened them and for the first time, had a glimpse of the elaborate features of the room.

My pupils scanned through the ragged hair draping my face.

Shelves veiled the crisp white walls; all stacked to the brim with various bottles.

Peroxide, chlorine, ammonia.

I read the labels inquisitively - my captor had an unusual fetish for dangerous chemicals.

I shivered at the thought.

I discovered the catalyst of the hideous smell.

Lifeless eyes, white and open; sagging blue skin and severed fibres of flesh and muscle strewn over a dusty tarpaulin.

There lay the decapitated head, bruised and battered.

Ragged, filthy cloth that may have once resembled clothing draped the unmoving creature. Blood spattered and mangled; it taunted me into a terrible frenzy. My eyes moved over the destroyed cadaver in shock and horror.

"Toby!", I whispered as my gut clenched, leaving me short of breath.

It accelerated and panic overtook me.

He was almost unrecognisable through my bitter tears. My despair burned harder and turned to fury. A knife lay on a gleaming metal table near me. I harnessed all my strength and shuffled the chair closer; the legs creaked and groaned becoming more unstable with every inch. Finally, I stretched my fingers to their limit and was empowered by grasping the weapon as the chair toppled to its side. I slashed through the rope behind my back and released my hands. Furiously, I tore off the tape over my mouth and spat the choking gag rag to the ground. Next I worked on the constrictors clutching my ankles.

The struggle ended and I lay in exhaustion with my cheek pressed against the cold, hard foundation.

My nostrils flared and the blaze within me rekindled as I steadily made it to my feet. I set my glare over the windowless room and scoured for evidence. Toby's detached legs lay idle in a large tub with an intensely strong substance. Thrown aback, the repulsive spectacle enhanced the queasy churning of my stomach.

A swift cycle of squealing wheels resonated outside; then came a rustling and a soft curse among the search through jingling keys. My heart pounded violently like the thrashing of water upon a cliff face.

The key turned in the lock as I turned to meet the familiar grimace of my brother's slayer.


By Essie van Zuylen, Year 13, St Peter's College


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