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Peter McNab (9)

Swimmers await their turn.

Analee Toro (10)

Peter Blackie (10)

Riley MacDonald (10)

Hayley Julian (10)

Sophie La Hood (10)

Bevon Scott (9)

Kalani Grimwood (9)

Whetu Price - Koopu (10)

Taylor Hamilton (10) and Kate Wylie (10)

Lachlan Nicholl (9)

Finn Duncan (9)

Isaac Adam (9)

Aidan Upston (9)

Neave McHugh - Smith (10)

Bailey Dyson (10)

Ryan Johnston (10)

Meg Christophers (10)

Lily Woodhouse (10)

Charlie De Woeps (10)

Callum Maze (10)

from left Robbie Heller (Balclutha), Max Baldwin (Waverly) and Jake Maclean (Middlemarch) all aged 10.

Theo Smith (9) Roslyn and Matthew Bruce (10).

Will Challis (9)

Stacey McKinnel (9)
Scenes from the Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon at Memorial Park, Mosgiel yesterday.
Read the story: Medals for more than 800 children
Photos by Gerard O'Brien; prints available from