$26.2m waiting for Lotto winner

The winner of the country's sixth-biggest Lotto prize has yet to claim the prize, three days after the $26.2 million jackpot was struck.

The store where the ticket was sold - Willy Wonka in Westfield Downtown, Auckland - has been outfitted with promotional material by Lotto in a bid to find the lucky ticket holder.

Stores that sold winning tickets were normally given a special stand which would include the actual winning ticket - so potential punters could see what a winner looked like.

"Obviously the winner hasn't come forward yet though so we don't have the actual ticket, so we've got a placeholder in there just asking customers, 'Do you have a ticket? Is it yours? Check your ticket'," spokeswoman Emilia Mazur said.

She said it was normal for winners to wait a few days before coming forward.

Most people claimed their prize within a week, she said.

"People have got different reasons."

Some regular players waited until they bought their next ticket to check their previous one, while others needed to time to come to terms with a windfall win, she said.


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