Plans for the Basin Reserve flyover in Wellington have been axed by an independent Board of Inquiry.
Commissioners have declined resource consent for the New Zealand Transport Agency's $90 million Basin Bridge project.
The Basin Bridge proposal was for the construction, operation and maintenance of a two-lane, one-way, bridge for State Highway 1 westbound traffic on the north side of the Basin Reserve.
A total of 215 submissions were received, and evidence was heard from 69 witnesses and representations by a further 74 submitters.
The Board took four months to hear all the submissions and evidence.
The NZTA and other parties now have 20 days to make comments on minor or technical aspects of the report.
The Board will provide its final decision to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) by 30 August 2014.
The proposal for the Basin Bridge was lodged with the EPA in June last year.
It involved the Basin Bridge, a new Northern gateway building within the Basin Reserve, an elevated shared pedestrian and cycleway on the north side of the Basin Bridge, a building under the bridge on Bogarts Corner, landscaping and planting, including an extension to the National War memorial Park and a clearway on Vivian Street, and upgrades to several intersections.