Consultation with a cold storage expert in London reveals the fact that cheese shown in the open will be sweating and emitting an unsavoury smell within three weeks. Apples would not last more than a fortnight exposed to the summer temperature. Of course, the committee may have some scheme whereby they will renew the exhibit weekly, though this is unlikely with regard to the fruit over a period of six months.

In the meantime the contracts for the cold storage cases for dairy produce and fruit have been let and cannot be cancelled: the produce will doubtless be shown in these.
Train wears the ants’ pants
A Wanganui resident who went for a trip round the world recently good-naturedly tells a story of how he lost his pants while travelling in a train in New South Wales. Being of a rural disposition, he hit out for the country. It was on his return to Sydney that a calamity overtook him. Before boarding the train at a country station, he sat down to rest on what transpired to be a nest of ants. When he became seated in the train he soon learned that the ants had taken full control of the inside of his pants, so he went through the train to the guard’s van at whirlwind speed. Having divested himself of his garments with a degree of alacrity that would have done credit to a first-class fire-brigadesman, he proceeded to shake them out of a window of the van. Just then another train came along (it was a double line), and, in a trice, the pants became hooked to the passing locomotive, leaving the owner standing barelegged and in great consternation. He had no alternative but to remain in seclusion until the train reached Sydney, and the obliging — and grinning — guard sought out the driver, who found a greasy pair of dungarees.
Who wore what
A charming little surprise dance was given on Friday evening at Mrs McIntosh’s residence, Queen street. Those present were Mrs McIntosh (black georgette trimmed in jet), Miss McIntosh (cream lace), Miss G. McIntosh (almond green taffeta and silver lace), Miss F. McIntosh (cream lace over pink), Miss Ulrich (brown lace), Miss Gallaway (green georgette), Miss Johnstone (rose-pink taffeta), Miss Edmond (white satin with curious flower design), Miss Stock (black taffeta), Miss Cheeseman (yellow crepe-de-chine), Miss Roberts (pale pink taffeta), Miss Haggitt (mauve georgette over green), Miss Macpherson (champagne morocain) and Miss Todd (pink and silver).
Otago Hussars back from camp
It was a happy, healthy and bronzed-looking lot of boys who returned to Dunedin by the troop train on Saturday afternoon after a week’s encampment in the invigorating environment of Matarae. The 5th NZMR (OH) left Dunedin by special train on Saturday, arriving at the camp at 5.15 pm. A hot meal was served half an hour after arrival, and the sounds of music and laughter echoed on the still night air. Sunday brought the usual Church parade, conducted in the open air by Padres Calder and Pybus and Father O’Neill, assisted by Mr Hanna, who also did much to improve the social life in the camp by conducting boxing tournaments, games, "sing songs" etc. On Monday and Tuesday the syllabus of training was carried out. The camp was inspected on Wednesday by Col Young, OC Southern Command.
— ODT, 26.2.1924 (Compiled by Peter Dowden)