Retail, accommodation and automotive services are already on board, but agriculture is needed to complete the overall representation of the region's economy.
Co-ordinator Amie Pont said having all sectors represented would help improve communication and networking between businesses, one of the group's focuses.
The group, which on Wednesday had its fourth meeting, was averaging about 12 people per meeting.
There were some regulars, and others who came and went.
So far, the group was ''definitely'' a success and something worth continuing.
''It's not about numbers, it's about consistency and quality of conversations.
''It shows there is a great need for us to get together and connect and share what is happening.''
Feedback from those attending meetings had been ''great''.
An aim of the group was to gain greater knowledge of other businesses in the area, and use it to develop a referral process between businesses.
Although the group would not become engaged in projects, members would undertake roles such as making a drive for local spending in the Maniototo before Christmas.
Improving the use of internet and social media was also a focus.
Mrs Pont said Maniototo businesses had ''a lot'' to be ''very'' proud of for a small population.
The group meets over breakfast every third Wednesday of the month.