Hearing adjourned

The Environment Court panel for Meridian Energy's proposed Project Hayes wind farm will adjourn an appeal hearing on Friday to drive over the Old Dunstan Rd.

Judge Jon Jackson, commissioners Alex Sutherland and Heather McConachy and deputy commissioner Ken Fletcher will also try to view parts of the proposed Mahinerangi wind farm site while away from the court.

During yesterday's hearing at Cromwell, Judge Jackson said it was the panel's last opportunity to visit Old Dunstan Rd and view the 92sq km of the Lammermoor Range set out for Project Hayes.

The unsealed road is closed during winter for safety reasons.

Judge Jackson said the panel also wished to view the site of TrustPower's proposed Mahinerangi wind farm. Mahinerangi is pending the outcome of an Environment Court appeal hearing, the result of which might be known before the Project Hayes panel resumes its hearing in Cromwell on July 28.

Judge Jackson said he hoped to know the result of Mahinerangi before continuing to hear submissions from active parties in the Project Hayes proposal.


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