Mrs Harper has been involved with the North Otago Orchid Club since just after its inception.
The club is holding its annual show at St Patricks Hall in Usk St this weekend and it will hold a dinner at The Homestead tomorrow night to mark its 25th anniversary.
It was orchids that brought Mrs Harper and her husband, Bryan, together.
The couple, who married three years ago, have many varieties of orchids at their Caledonian Rd home.
People often thought orchids were difficult plants to care for but that was not really the case.
They required protection from frost and some varieties required heat, Mr Harper said.
The couple have an "orchid house" at their home, which seemed to suit the blooms, he said.
It had been a good season for their orchids and one particular variety had been flowering for six weeks.
Last year, the couple attended an orchid show in Brisbane featuring tropical orchids.
Mrs Harper was always looking for new varieties to add to her collection but they could mostly be obtained only at orchid shows.
The club's show will be open to the public between 11am and 5pm tomorrow and 10am and 4pm on Sunday.
There will also be floral arranging, cake-icing and potting demonstrations, along with displays of embroidery and memorabilia.